Suicide risk in the UK trans population and the role of gender transition in decreasing suicidal ideation and suicide attempt

It is well known that trans and gender nonbinary people have high rates of suicidality… studies consistently show that affirming treatments decrease risk.

Published in: Mental Health Review Journal.  December 2014.  Authors: Louis Bailey, Sonja J. Ellis, Jay McNeil.

“A supportive environment for social transition and timely access to gender reassignment, for those who required it, emerged as key protective factors… The paper highlights the devastating impact that delaying or denying gender reassignment treatment can have and urges commissioners and practitioners to prioritisetimely intervention and support.”

“The findings reported here indicate that there are extremely high rates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt within this non-random sample of the UK trans population. However, gender transition – for those that wanted it – was shown to drastically reduce instances of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt, highlighting the important role played by social transition and gender reassignment in improving quality of life and overall well-being amongst respondents…”

“A key finding to emerge from the study was the importance of timely access to gender reassignment treatment for those who required it. Transition was shown to have a positive impact on trans people’s mental health and well-being; the processes of gender reassignment and social transition serving to significantly reduce rates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt. The majority of participants cited the significant benefits of gender reassignment in terms of aligning their physical body with their internal sense of self, and the knock-on effects of being recognised as the gender that they felt themselves to be…”

“Despite the clear advantages of gender reassignment, some respondents reported significant issues whilst trying to obtain treatment. As has been reported elsewhere, funding delays or refusals were common within this sample and respondents alluded to having gender reassignment treatment stopped or postponed altogether. These issues may, in some cases, contribute to suicide risk within this population…”

“It is crucial that those experiencing gender dysphoria have access to gender reassignment treatment with minimal delays or disruption and that they receive relevant information and support both from medical professionals as well as more informal sources – such as family, friends and support organisations – in order to build resilience and bolster health and well-being during this particularly difficult time.”